"Been pretty cold here, maybe not quite UK proportions, just cold. Was off work today, so I set out to take a landscape photo that had a UK countryside/winter feel, the lighting was pretty challenging and perhaps the backdrop too mountainous, humour me."
Brick wall shots were taken for Windows wallpaper.
Comments about this image range from "wow!" to "yuck" to "planet earth?" to "looks like a prison". Well, MH, it is the Old Bus Depot at Kingston, drenched in brilliant sunlight, followed by a little colour temperature handywork.
I was intent on taking an award winning Murrumbidgee River photo, this shot of an exposed cutoff log ended up the pick of the day. Yes Photoshop layers were involved.
This is a great location to relearn a past art. The occasional concerned by-passer my only interruption, a few reassuring words from me that I am okay and all is fine.
Crossover layers of foreground and hills in the background offer a sense of three dimensionality.... I think.