Saturday 18th September 2010 - ACTAFL Grand Final Ainslie 88 beat Eastlake 63 Perfect day, boisterous crowd and a free-flowing game. I took a handful of photos, really need a longer lens for that kind of thing though. The first shot in this sequence is of Paul, Ainslie's star water runner/trainer.
19/9 - Well, I got the month for my friends daughter's Christening mixed up and missed going, very bad; instead today I went to a Ramadan festival for my cultural fill up, that was until I ran to a mate who mentioned that there was a car show about 500m away (old Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, BMW etc). I must have met every car owner, and chatted with them about their vehicles - one guy had started collecting Mercedes-Benzes in 1965 just before he retired, thinking he must be 90+. I did manage to take a Ramadan photo...
Car shots follow.
Floriade shots - it was very crowded for photography, I might return midweek for a few hours to do better justice to the exhibition.
And here we see a water fountain in Civic; shutter speed was 1/500th of a second, which didn't completely halt the water droplets mid-air, leaving a real sense of motion.