1st January 2020
Old Parliament House, Canberra
With air quality ranked terrible from the bushfires in New South Wales and Victoria, here is a shot of the Old Parliament House on New Years Day 2020. 1920s look parched colours are as I saw, only adjustment was in cropping and adding some clarity to the building itself (it was lost in the smoke). Can see the impact of recent severe drought in the foreground, and of course the Aboriginal protester tents need ground. This shot is a combination of five images merged.
Sony A7Rii with Sony 35mm F2.8 lens, shot at ISO200, 1/800th at F8. |
Similar seemed to above taken from further back, red dust filled ponds in the foreground. Combination of 12 merged images.Sony A7Rii with Sony 35mm F2.8 lens, shot at ISO200, 1/200th at F8 | | |